Managing your weight means keeping your body weight at a level that is healthy for you.
Talk to your doctor to understand your body type and to set up a diet and exercise plan. Keep in mind that your body changes as you get older.

Although every body is different, the following are some good tips to help you manage your weight:
Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet
Exercise regularly
 Quit smoking
 Avoid alcohol, or drink moderately
Trevo can  offer the following ingredients for weight management

The fruit of the Amalaki tree is part of the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. For centuries, it has been used as a potent rejuvenative for the entire body. Its properties appear to stimulate the production of red blood cells,enhance cellular regeneration, increase lean body mass, and support proper function of the liver, spleen heart and lungs. Amalaki fruit also is a rich source of antioxidants and helps to maintain a healthy bloodsugar level.

Beets contain a wealth of fiber—half soluble and half insoluble. Both types play roles in fighting fat. Beets are also particularly rich in folic acid, calcium, and iron. These colorful root vegetables contain powerful nutrient compounds that support heart health,immune system health, and even reproductive health.

Bladderwrack is a type of brown sea vegetable that grows on the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts
of the United States and on the northern Atlantic coast and Baltic coast of Europe. Its benefits include
controlling LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels, the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels, and even
appears to be useful in weight maintenance efforts.Bladderwrack also helps support joint health as well as healthy thyroid gland activity.

Blue Green Spirulina
Blue green spirulina is a microscopic aquatic plant that is often called nature’s perfect food because
of its abundant nutritional profile. It is known as a particularly rich source of protein, carotenoids,
vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Spirulina’s properties have long been associated with successful weight management and overall good health.

A lack of this vital mineral means more than just weak bones. Key organs and bodily functions, like
your heart and metabolism, require calcium to operate at their best. Yet, according to federal government statistics, only 21% of us are getting the recommended amount of calcium. Calcium also helps with weight management efforts.
A naturally occurring, plant-derived trace mineral. It aids in glucose metabolism and helps support healthy blood sugar levels.

Dulse Leaf
A sea vegetable treasured for its high nutrient content. Sea vegetables, including dulse, offer the
broadest range of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean - the
same minerals found in human blood. Sea vegetables are an excellent source of iodine and vitamin K, a great source of folic acid and magnesium, as well as a good source of iron, calcium, the B-vitamins
riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Their nutritional properties support healthy thyroid function,cardiovascular health, and even offer weight management benefits. The carbohydrate-like
substances called fucans found in sea vegetables provide powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

Green Tea (decaffeinated)
Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis, and is a caffeinefree,
antioxidant-packed nutritional powerhouse. Its nutritional properties provide support for
cardiovascular health, immune system health, joint health, anti-aging, and even weight management.

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